Frequently Asked Questions

Are you interested in participating in the PACE Business Mentorship Program and have a few questions? You are not the only one! We have developed a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page for both prospective mentors and mentees to help answer any questions you may have. Please let us know if you have any further questions by emailing Robert McKim at


A: We have thousands of clients on our databases; they need assistance to grow to the next level of success. The PACE mentors will provide good counseling using successful business practices to aid them in their growth.

Q: Do I Have to Be Retired to Join PACE MENTOR VOLUNTEERS?

A: No. Both retired and working professionals are welcome in PACE MENTOR VOLUNTEERS.

Q: What Is the First Step I Should Take to Join PACE MENTOR VOLUNTEERS?

A: Please submit a resume or similar information addressed to Mentor Development Coordinator at PACE Mentor Volunteers, 900B Floor, 1055 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90017.

Q: Why Does PACE MENTOR Coordinator Interview Candidates Before Accepting Members?

A: Transferring business skills into counseling and mentoring situations requires different and additional skills than a business owner or manager may have used. The interviewing process permits both PACE MENTOR Program and the applicant to see if there is a good fit.

Q: Why Do New PACE MENTOR VOLUNTEERS Participate in A Training Program?

A: The orientation and training program permits the new volunteer to understand PACE Mentor Volunteer’s mission, services, code of ethics and opportunities within the organization. The Mentor Volunteers’ Professional Development Program provides guidance on how to be a good business counselor, find the resources our clients need and how to develop good listening, interviewing and problem-solving habits.

Periodically, recognized experts will be holding mentor training for the volunteers.

Q: What Other Opportunities Exist for PACE MENTOR VOLUNTEERS?

 A: There are opportunities for Cyber-counseling (i.e., e-mail counseling), project leaders for on-going programs, guest speaker at local organizations; participate in special events, workshop presenters, marketing expertise and membership development programs.

Q: Where Does the Mentoring Take Place?

 A: Initially the mentor will meet the business owner at the PACE headquarters on Wilshire Blvd. The Mentor will be able to meet with the business owner in an office, following session with the mentee can take place either online or in person at the persons place of work. Scheduling of follow up meetings will be between the mentee and the volunteer.

Q: What Are the Reporting Requirements from the Volunteers?

 A: The mentor will be given a workspace, access to a computer network, copying machine, a direct phone line and secretarial support. The volunteer will be required to provide a summary of the client meeting on an online report form.

Q: Will PACE Reimburse Volunteers for Expenses?

 A: The mentor volunteer will be reimbursed for parking in the designated PACE parking facility. Other business expenses such as: off-site parking or other computer technical expenses will be the responsibility of the volunteer.

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