*Note: This clinic is only open to current business owners and/or recent graduates of PACE’s Entrepreneurial Training Program (ETP). 

At the clinic, attendees are able to meet one-on-one for up to 45 minutes with an attorney from Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP to discuss specific questions and legal issues relating to the creation and running of a small businessm including the following topics: (i) choice of entity, (ii) contracts/lease, (iii) intellectual property, and (iv) employment.

ADVANCED REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. To register, the attached form must be returned to PACE no later than Wednesday, February 17. Please email to sdo@pacela.org or fax to (213) 353-4665 (Attn: Swann)

Each registrant must schedule a specific appointment time in advance: 6:00-6:45pm, 6:45pm-7:30pm, or 7:30-8:15pm. We cannot accomodate walk-ins and there will be a limit to the number of registrants. If you have returned this registration form to PACE and have not received a call by Friday, February 19 to schedule your specific appointment time, please call 213-989-3275. All relevant documents you wish to have reviewed by an attorney must be submitted at the time you submit your registration form.

Download Form: SBC Registration Form – February 2016.doc

1055 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 900B, Los Angeles, CA 90017

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