basic credit workshopBasic Credit Workshop

This workshop will cover the basics of personal credit, the reporting agencies, credit reports and scores. Learn about each component that makes up your own personal report and understand the FICO scoring model. All consumers should have a vested interest in establishing and preserving their credit worthiness and credit standing, because you’ll need to in order to obtain and use credit.

Are you considering purchasing a new home or a new car in 2017? Now is the time to start and make a commitment to better spending habits, more savings and an improved credit score. You will need to make sure all of your “financial ducks” are in order before making a serious commitment. Learn how to determine the right amount of debt to take on and how to develop a recovery plan when overwhelmed.

  • What can impact your score to increase or decrease
  • Cost of having good vs. bad credit
  • Your rights as a consumer
  • Opt Out Options
  • How to get your official FREE credit report
  • Tips to avoid identity theft
  • New credit card rules and policies

Please note this workshop is held at the Los Angeles Central Public Library.

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