6th Annual Celebrating Women in Business
Jemie Sae Koo
Award Winning Marketing Executive & Entrepreneur
PACE Women’s Business Center (WBC) invites you to join us for our annual networking event, Celebrating Women in Business, on June 1st at the City Club Los Angeles. Now in its 6th year, this event recognizes and showcases female entrepreneurs and their impactful contribution to our local economy. To date, PACE WBC clients have started and expanded 2,987 businesses collectively earning over $15,378,321 in their first year of operation!
This year PACE is launching an exciting partnership with City Club Los Angeles.
Celebrating Women in Business will gather 200+ entrepreneurs, business executives and public policy makers for an evening of networking, presentations and awards. We hope to see you there!
4:30pm – 5:20pm: Government Contracting & Certification Session
5:30pm – 6:15pm: Breakout Sessions (Social Media, Human Resource – Employment Law, and Access to Capital – Opportunity Fund Panel)
6:15pm – 8:30pm: Networking, Award Ceremony, Keynote, & Silent Auction
Jemie Sae Koo
Award Winning Marketing Executive & Entrepreneur
Maria & Mariano Farber, Kachi Deli Café & Grill
Entrepreneurial Excellence Award
Aksarapak Bondu, Sawadee Thai Spa
Entrepreneurial Excellence Award
Hors d’oeuvres, wine and beer will be served.
To join us a guest, sponsor or exhibitor, click below:
Title Sponsor:
Supporting Sponsor:
7 Charming Sisters: www.7charmingsisters.com
Curmudgeon Cards: www.curmudgeoncards.com
Lula Roe: www.lularoe.com
Navarro Art Gallery : www.navarroartgallery.com
Skin Studio LA: www.skinstudioLA.com
Soul Cycle: www.soulcycle.com
Chesilhurst Farm: www.chesilhurstfarm.com
City Club Los Angeles: www.clubcorp.com/Clubs/City-Club-Los-Angeles
Community Development Commission of LA County: www.lacdc.org
Curmudgeon Cards: www.curmudgeoncards.com
First General Bank: www.fgbusa.com
Heffernan Insurance: www.heffins.com
Jewelry 4 Less
PACE Business Development Center: www.pacelabdc.org
PACE Care: www.trypacecare.com
PACE Women’s Business Center: www.pacelabdc.org/WBC
Prudential Financial: www.prudential.com
Stella & Dot: www.stelladot.com
Thai Yoga Hub: www.wakingbeeUS.com
The Belle & Beast Organics: BelleNBeastOrganics.etsy.com
And Many More!
Venue Map
Event Location: City Club Los Angeles, 555 S Flower St, Los Angeles, CA 90071 (51st Floor)
Parking: Valet Parking is available for $8, validation will be provided at event.
Registration Fee: $45